Best Teachings of Warren Buffet

Best Teachings of Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet is the man who makes the history by investment. He is an American Business Magnate, Investor, Speaker and Philanthropist who serves as the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathway.

Today we came up with some of the best teachings of Warren Buffet. Here we go:-

On Earnings 

Talking about earnings he says "Never depend on single Income make investment  to create a second source of income". Well this absolutely true if we dependent on only one single source and due to some misshapen that  source not generate revenue then where we go and how we will survive. So to face any situation we should consider this quote and generate many source of income.

On Savings

Warren Buffet says" Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving". This is the common phenomenon among us we all first made the expense and then whatever left we saves whereas Buffet says this is wrong approach we should save first and then make the expenses.

On Spending

He says "If you buy things you don't need, soon you will have to sell things you need". Here he is commenting upon our overspending. We all so many times buy the things by looking at the offers and discounts that we don't really need and this throws us in cash crunch situation. So here we get our solution that buy only we need not the one we want.

On Taking Risk

Here he says "Never test the depth of  river with both feet". He means to say never take the risk with all your assets and make the second plan if the first fails what you will do. This approach will save you from drowning.

On Investment

He says "Do not put all eggs in one basket". Here Buffet explains the importance of diversification in our portfolio. By diversification in our portfolio we diversify our risk and make our goals achievable in long term.

These are the most precious teaching of the Oracle of Omaha. We all should apply his teachings in our financial decision. 

Happy Investing !!! #rideonfinance


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